

WDTN raises money in a variety of different ways. We apply for grants provided by various bodies, of course, and have had some success in this area over the years. We also raise money via an annual street collection in the Wellingborough Swansgate Centre. This has in the past been a very successful way of both boosting our funds and also spreading the word about what we do for the visually impaired people Wellingborough and the surrounding area.

New fundraising ideas

We are always looking for new fundraising ideas. These may be borrowed ideas from other charity areas that we have not thought of, or possibly brand new ideas never before seen !  In either case do get in touch with us and let us know if you do think you could help in any way in this important area.


We have an ongoing need for funds to maintain our current equipment and an urgent need for extra funds to provide new equipment for the future. In the past we have been the recipients of some very kind gifts from donors. If you feel you too would like to make a donation to help our cause, please  contact our Fund Manager Mike Webb on   Donations are eligible for Gift Aid.