1. Can I receive your output if I am not registered blind?

Most definitely, yes. If you are unable to read standard (N12) newspaper print, then we are happy for you to receive our publications. No means tests are necessary.

  1. I receive the Talking Newspaper if I live outside the service area?

Yes, you can. However there are a number of local Talking Newspapers situated in towns outside our area that may be more appropriate to your needs.  Please contact the Talking Newspaper Federation, www.tnf.org.uk 

  1. How will I receive the Talking Newspaper? 

We will provide you as a new listener with a player totally free of charge. Each week you will receive a pouch with a memory stick which fits into the player.

  1. What happens if I do not return my Talking Newspaper one week through illness or holidays?

Each new listener is allocated two pouches to send out your memory stick so we can cover a week without return. If you can, please advise us if you are unable to receive the Talking Newspaper for two or more weeks: just put a simple note in your pouch if possible. Thanks.

  1. How much does your service cost?

This is a FREE public service and we are delighted to provide it free of charge. The cost of postage is fully paid by the government who subsidise Royal Mail for this purpose. The USB  players are also part of this FREE service.

  1. Can I make a donation to the Talking Newspaper?

We are a registered charity so all donations are welcome. We do not receive any funds from local or central government or any Lotteries. If you feel you wish to help please send your donation to our Fund Manager  Mike Webb on mikewebb@wdtn.org.uk

  1. Can I receive the Talking Newspaper if I have a non visual disability?

Yes, you are able to receive the Talking Newspaper but depending on the nature of your disability, we might need to ask you to pay the postage as the free postage available under the Royal Mail’s ‘Articles for the Blind’ concession may not apply.

  1. Can I receive my Talking Newspaper by audio tape or CD?

I’m sorry this is not possible. However, our players have been specially designed for blind and partially sighted people. Feedback that has been received indicates that listeners like the new players and are pleased with the improvement in sound quality from their recordings

  1. What does your output consist of?

Each week we produce a digest of local news taken from  the local Newspaper.  We produce two weekly magazines entitled  “COUNTY WIDE” and “SOUNDS MONTHLY” containing  generally longer items . NAB supplies us with their monthly  “KETTERING SCRAPBOOK” and ”  SUNDAY MAGAZINE” produced by Kettering  and  Corby Talking News.  We include a quarterly magazine issued by Bedford Talking Newspaper for the Blind.  Additionally we add a selection of articles taken from  national monthly magazines such as “THE OLDIE“,  “READERS DIGEST“, “SAGA“, “MAJESTY” and “THE COUNTRYMAN”  supplied by the RNIB Newsagent.

  1. Do you have any visually impaired listener representatives with whom I could chat and give feedback?

Yes, one of our Committee members is registered Blind with whom we can put you in touch.

  1. Can I obtain a recording to try out before receiving your service on a regular basis?

Certainly, but first listen to the LATEST NEWS EDITION (click top right of this page) and do let us know what you think!

  1. Who do I contact to discuss about the Talking Newspaper?

You can contact: simon.turner@wdtn.org.uk

  1. How do I introduce a relative/neighbour/friend or even myself to the Talking Newspaper? 

Simply email: simon.turner@wdtn.org.uk   

  1. How does your service operate? 

We will send your recording on a memory stick  in a  yellow plastic wallet. Simply reverse the address label on the wallet  after listening to it and post back to us ready for the next edition.